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Home | Wellbeing | Disability | Move and Mingle for the Sensory Impaired

Move and Mingle for the Sensory Impaired

Sensory Move & Mingle Online Sessions

This is a new pilot programme designed to support you to get moving and socialising locally, run by Colchester United FC and ECL Sensory Service. The sessions run 12-1 every Monday. This is what they have to say……

Covid 19 has affected our lives in many ways and the lockdown has affected some more than others. We understand the barriers people with sight and /or hearing loss have faced accessing physical exercise while we are in lockdown. We also understand the importance of chatting with others to reduce feelings of isolation while our usual activities are interrupted.

We are offering a new opportunity to address these issues via an online platform.

Our aims are to support you to:

  • Improve your general fitness and mobility in a safe and accessible way.
  • Increase your social contacts and opportunities to meet people.
  • Share local information with others in Essex.
  • Improve your confidence using an online platform such as Zoom.

This is a ten-week pilot project enabling us to assess its value and impact. We welcome suggestions of activities to be included and the direction in which this group takes from all participants, so please engage with us as it evolves.

Important disclaimer

Whilst Colchester United Football Club & ECL Sensory Service are working hard to share accessible content which allows you to stay active in your home environment, we can accept no responsibility for any harm or injury that befalls you whilst taking part in any of our suggested activities.

The activities in the session are intended to assist you to stay healthy and active and should not be construed as medical or clinical advice. Please stop activity immediately if you feel any pain or dizziness, let us know and if necessary, consult a health care professional.

Please complete the registration form to participate in the online group and activities. Once complete return the form to SAA@essexcares.org.

Here’s the form to download CUFC Move Mingle Enrolment Form


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