Volunteer Drivers needed

We are Tollesbury Day Centre Lunch Club, and we’re delighted to announce that we’ll be re-opening this important club for our elderly residents in September. Could you be a driver? We

Tolls Vols Newsletter No6

If you haven’t received your Tolls Vols Newsletter No6 through your letterbox already, then you will do very soon. It’s out for delivery with our volunteers. You can view it here

Wellbeing Workshop

This FREE, 2 hour face-to-face workshop provides a Covid-secure, safe space to discuss how the pandemic has affected your mental health with a qualified mental health first aid trainer. If Covid-19

TollsVols Newsletter No5

If you haven’t received your Tolls Vols Newsletter No5 through your letterbox already, then you will do very soon. It’s out for delivery with our volunteers. Daily patrols by Tolls Vols