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Home | Wellbeing | Faith | Be Kind To Your Mind

Be Kind To Your Mind

Please take a look at Parish Nurse Jo Lacey’s 10-minute narrated mental health and well-being-focused presentation, entitled ‘Be Kind To Your Mind’.

This has been developed with those of ‘all faiths and none’ in mind. It begins with a very brief overview of Parish Nursing. The presentation is available on the Latest News and Advice Page of the North Blackwater Parish Nursing Service website: blackwaterparishnursing.org.uk
You can also use the following link to watch it directly on u-tube. https://youtu.be/95h_k7jlSDA
While some of the content may be ‘bread and butter’ to many of us, Jo has made every attempt to keep it simple, inclusive, and non-patronising. It would be great if this presentation was helpful, albeit just a little, to people living within our communities, even if only as an ‘aide memoire’.

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