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Home | Family | New Restrictions from 5th November

New Restrictions from 5th November

Dear villagers,

From Thursday 5th November the new restrictions come into place, they can be found at new-national-restrictions-from-5-november

Until then the existing local restrictions still apply.

Please let us know if you need help with shopping, collecting medication or just need someone to talk to. The Tollesbury Volunteers are here to help.

Helplines: 07716 955 338 / 07934 723 187 / 07934 716 351 (8.30am–5.30pm daily)

Remember, our RED/GREEN window signs are still important, though Volunteers are not currently patrolling in the same way, more information on this soon, the signs provide a useful way for passing neighbours to spot if you need assistance. If you’re OK, display the GREEN side, in an emergency display the RED side, and if possible phone the Helpline. We have spares: just phone the Helpline.

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