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Home | Shopping | Shopping Further Afield

Shopping Further Afield

Tollesbury Volunteers can fetch your shopping: just ask! Wherever possible, please order and pay the shop directly, then ask us to collect. Several local shops deliver, but they’re snowed under, so we can help.

Not all shops can take phone payments, but you can transfer the money to the Taylor’s Charity, which will pay the shop for you: details on request. If you have no access to making bank transfers, please talk to us for other arrangements.

If you have a supermarket collection slot at Maldon or Tiptree (in normal hours!) we can fetch that for you too.

Major Supermarkets

If you are in self-isolation and you can get a collection slot at Maldon, Heybridge or Tiptree (in normal hours please!), then one of our volunteers will fetch it for you. It may be a volunteer from a different “patch”. Some supermarkets have introduced special arrangements as below. Most now allow just 1 adult per trolley (with children if they can’t stay at home), and apply limits on quantities.


Priority queueing for emergency workers, and early access on Sundays: www.aldi.co.uk/covid19


Priority shopping Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 9am-10am for vulnerable and elderly customers: www.tesco.com/help/groceries-faq/


Priority shopping hours and priority customers: www.sainsburys.co.uk/shop/gb/groceries/working-to-feed-the-nation-/latest-information-

Marks & Spencer

Early access for vulnerable & older customers Monday & Thursday; Emergency workers Tuesday & Friday.
Latest News: www.marksandspencer.com/c/help/covid-19

All information here is provided in good faith, but Tollesbury Volunteers cannot be liable for any errors or omissions. If you know of more information, or businesses to add to this list please let us know at tollesburyvolunteers@gmail.com. The inclusion of a business here does not necessarily imply a recommendation.

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