The Tollesbury Volunteers Support Group (Tolls Vols) website contains information for volunteers and for those who need a hand.

The original Tollesbury Volunteers organisation served the village for more than a year during the Covid pandemic, with more than 130 people on the database. The need has eased now, so we have scaled back. 

Today, some 40 people are still available to assist in Tollesbury. Please just ask if you feel a need for a little help with every day life.


Face coverings: when to wear one and how to make your own
Updated 20th July 2021

For the latest Coronavirus outbreak FAQ’s:
What you can and can’t do
Updated 28th July 2021


Stay at home! Keep at least 2 metres (6 feet) from everyone. ‘Social distancing’ is a taste of the life of some older people much of the time! Some use the Internet, for others that’s not possible. But we can have friendly exchanges, even with folk whose names we don’t know. Tollesbury is good at that. A recent widow expressed it well: “Tollesbury will always give you a hug!

Actual hugging isn’t possible right now, but a text; or push a note through the door with a friendly message to a person living alone. A wave says: “I’m thinking of you!”.


If you use, or would like to use Tollesbury Volunteers, and you want to know what to expect from us, you can find out here.


“We spent a recent period in isolation – I am sure we could not have completed this without the kindness of friends in the village, delivering food and medicine and waving through the window! During a matter of days, I experienced severe chest pain and shortness of breath with a dry persistent cough and fever. The ambulance crew, sent by 111, said mine were symptoms of the virus and told our whole household to self-isolate for 14-days. We slept on separate floors and disinfected everything. I took Paracetamol every four hours and rested. Luckily, the symptoms subsided within seven days – it was a worrying time! Sincerest thanks to all in the village whose help was invaluable!” …Elle Care